Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Saturday in January

We spent most of the morning cleaning our basement. It is a disgusting job, hoeing out thirty years of accumulated stuff, but gee, someone has to do it. It needed to be done for a couple of reasons; one, it just needed to be done. Mainly though, I want to move the freezer that is in our kitchen down to the basement so I can move the refrigerator out of the dining room into the kitchen, and use our dining room as a dining room. In order to move the freezer downstairs, there needs to be room.

Here's why we need to eat in the dining room: When the babies eat with us, they drop (or throw) things on the floor. This used to not be a big problem, because we would jut call in Jack, our trusty Hoover to clean up the mess, and he willingly would snark around on the floor cleaning everything in sight.

Alas, we no longer have our dog. At 15, barely able to walk, see, or hear, we had to have him put to sleep. In addition to his physical ailments, he often "forgot" to let us know he had to go out, and he was becoming very cranky, especially around the babies. We did NOT want anything to happen.

We miss him, but I have to say, life without a dog is quite pleasant.

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