Friday, April 01, 2005

A Foggy Night in Manhattan

Washington Posted by Hello

In the world of teaching fourth graders, sometimes they say and do things that blow you away. About a month ago, we were talking about the Revolutionary War, and we discussed the near capture of George Washington, and the escape of him and his army due to the fog that night near Manhattan. I'm never sure how much of these conversations my kids remember, but yesterday, we were reading one of our newspapers, and reference was made to the time that George Washington and his troops were nearly captured. I asked if anyone remembered what it was that kept them from being taken by the British, and one of my girls, we'll call her Meredith, raised her hand. As she doesn't usually know what's happening much, I wasn't too hopeful, but miracle of miracles, she said, "because of the fog". Boy was I impressed.


Unknown said...

I used to teach 4th grade English and Social Studies in Houston. Now I teach 6th grade in MA. I'm glad to be back in the Northeast where I grew up!

Amy said...

I really like Western New York, I have lived here since I was a teenager. I grew up in Ohio mostly. I have been to Texas (I was actually born there), but prefer the weather here, even the snow.

How long have you been teaching?

How old are your children.

PS. Mystery stories are my favorite as well.