This is for all the people for whom holidays are not joyous and momentous occasions, but maybe just another day. I'm not complaining, mind you, Easter is a holiday in which to celebrate, but over the years, our family celebrations have changed. Gone are the days when we tumbled out of bed to find our Easter baskets, donned new and spring-colored duds, and trooped off to church to revel in the joyous occasion that is spring, Easter, and the rising of Christ from the tomb.
Now, with children grown and living out of the area, and a husband who works at a job that allows no holidays off, I find that the morning is just another morning for now. I arose, did some laundry, cleaned litter boxes, vacuumed, cleaned up the kitchen, made lists of things needing to be done, etc. I will cook a ham and take to my mother-in-law's house,one daughter and her husband will come for dinner, my mother will come bearing desserts, and our low-key Easter celebration will be just right.
The right things are all there. Lent is over, the dark and cloudy days leading up to Easter are gone. Maundy Thursday and Good Friday are past, with their sad mournful tunes. Mozart's "Lacrimosa" can be put away, and the "Hallelujah Chorus" will be joyously sung throughout the Christian world, celebrating the holiday, and bringing hope and good cheer to all.
May everyone have a joyous Easter.